Any number of dental issues can require getting a tooth pulled, also known as tooth extraction. Having a tooth pulled can prevent decay from spreading in your mouth and protect other teeth from damage. At Trinity Dental Care, Gunda Gayathri, DDS, is experienced in performing extractions in the event of overcrowded, infected, and injured teeth. If you’re suffering from tooth pain or discomfort, call the office in Bedford, Texas, or request an appointment online.
Your permanent teeth are supposed to last your entire life. However, if something happens to one of your teeth, there are several treatments that can repair or replace lost teeth, including crowns, implants, and bridges. However, there are some cases where it’s best to extract a tooth, including as a first step to performing restorative work. Extraction may be recommended for injured teeth that can’t be repaired or in some cases of severe periodontal disease.
Extractions are also common if your teeth are overcrowded. While orthodontics can straighten teeth and fix crowding, there simply may not be enough room in your mouth for all of the teeth. You may need to have a tooth or multiple teeth extracted to benefit from orthodontics.
Your wisdom teeth are located at the very back of your mouth, behind your second molars. Unlike most of your permanent teeth that emerge during your childhood, wisdom teeth arrive in your late teens or early 20s. It’s very common to have your wisdom teeth extracted.
In some cases, your wisdom teeth don’t cause any problems, and you can use them the same way you would your other molars. However, wisdom teeth are often impacted, meaning they don’t emerge fully or they’re coming in crooked. Even when wisdom teeth successfully erupt, they can be challenging to keep clean and are a common site of infections.
Your dentist may recommend wisdom tooth extraction if you have one or more impacted wisdom teeth or if your wisdom teeth are causing complications.
To determine if a tooth extraction is the best treatment option, the dental team at Trinity Dental Care performs an oral exam that often includes X-rays.
Simple tooth extractions, where the tooth is fully visible, require local anesthesia. Dr. Gayathri numbs the treatment area so you won’t feel any pain, then loosens the tooth and removes it from your mouth with forceps.
Surgical extraction, where the tooth hasn’t fully erupted above the gums, is performed with intravenous or general anesthesia. Wisdom teeth extraction is usually surgical. In surgical extraction, your dentist makes an incision in your gum to access the tooth and remove it.
Aftercare for an extraction varies depending on your individual situation and whether it’s a simple or surgical extraction. You may need to rest after your procedure for a few days and eat only soft foods for a while. The team at Trinity Dental Care gives you detailed instructions.
Extraction is sometimes the best option to avoid dental complications. To make an appointment at Trinity Dental Care, call the office or use the online scheduling tool.